Quick Tip: How to clean fall leaves
Fall is a time of mesmerizing beauty as the leaves turn into a tapestry of warm colors. However, it also means we have to deal with those pretty leaves piling up.
After filming a mock leaf avalanche at home, ever wonder what a little leaf must think when it bravely tumbles to the ground, far from its branch. While these thoughts might tickle your imagination, cleaning up fallen leaves doesn’t have to be a chore.
In North Carolina, where the air is crisp and the landscape is dotted with red, orange, and gold, the piling leaves create more than just work; they add to the charm of the season.
How about digging through your leaves to find the legendary ‘Royal Leaf’ – the leaf crowned with the most vibrant colors.
Capture your epic ‘royal findings’ and tag us. Or maybe create a “Leaf Mountain” higher than your buddy’s.
Jump into it like a kid and let’s celebrate the stunning, albeit messy, beauty of the season. #royalleaf #LeafMountain #mackmaids
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